Sounds of Freedom 2018 | Layton, Utah

Sounds of Freedom Rifle

This week we are featuring a project we are greatly honored to be apart of. The Sounds of Freedom, and Kickback Coatings reached out to us to be apart of a custom rifle build to be raffled off at The Sounds of Freedom car show this June 8th and 9th, in Layton, Utah, at Layton Commons Park (Directions Here). All proceeds will be donated to the Combat Veteran's Motorcycle Association.

Here is a build break-down of the custom rifle:

The Rifle features a factory Remington 700 action, barrel and trigger, chambered in 300 Win Mag. XLR Industries of Grand Junction, Colorado, donated a Element Chassis and Tactical Lite ButtstockKickback Coatings of Riverdale, Utah, donated the Cerakote job, Titanium Dragon Scaled bolt knob and the DPMS Panther Grip. Brad Stair the owner of Performance Guns of West Haven, Utah, donated a 20MOA scope base along with an MK13 accurizing job and a trigger job. Eric Smith the owner of ES Tactical of West Haven, Utah, threaded the barrel and blended a Gen 1 American Precision Arms Little Bastard Muzzle Brake and threaded the bolt handle. Topping it off, Riton USA graciously donated a RT-S Mod 7 4-20x50 scope and RT-M 30mm medium height scope rings.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact The Sounds of Freedom on their Facebook page here