Military & Law Enforcement Discount

XLR Industries Military/Law Enforcement Discount

To show gratitude to military, law enforcement offers and first responders, XLR is proud to offer a 10% off discount to active/former military personnel, law enforcement officers, and first responders towards all XLR products.

In order for you to be eligible for our Military and Law Enforcement Discount, all we ask is you submit proof and verification of your status. To do so we ask you to log in or create an account with GovX ID.

Click the link here GovX ID

GovX, more than just a discount.

When you become a member of GovX, you gain access to over 700 brands, not just XLR Industries. By signing up for GovX, you can receive your 10% discount from XLR Industries and various other brands listed on GovX who support Military, Police and First Responders.

The GovX Mission

The GovX mission is to create the ultimate, privileged, e-commerce destination for active duty, reserve and retired members of the U.S. Armed Forces and related government agencies.

GovX believes in its mission because the men and women for whom GovX was built perform jobs that few people want to do, and even fewer can do. When the country calls on them, they are there. When a life needs saving, they arrive. When a tough job needs to be done, they do it.

We believe those who fill these roles deserve extra online savings. It's our measure of support for our growing membership, and it's our way of saying thanks.

Have questions about the XLR Military discount? Give us a call 970-241-1807