Buffer Tube Adjustable Steel Weight Kit

The Buffer Tube adjustable steel weight kit comprises (4) 5.5-ounce steel weights. The stackable weights allow the user to adjust the rifle's balance point. Weight added to the back of the rifle can range from 5.5-22 ounces depending on the configuration.

NOTE: Not compatible with Carbon stocks.

WEIGHT: Standard / Contoured buffer tube capacity 4 weights (22 Ounces)

WEIGHT:Short buffer tube capacity 3 weights (16.5 Ounces)

Installation Instructions

Contoured tube: The weights will be assembled and inserted into the tube with the threaded portion facing out for the contoured buffer tube. Do not install the o-ring until the desired weight has been achieved. Install the supplied long screw through the back of the buffer tube and into the steel weights to secure them to the tube. Once the desired weight has been achieved, lightly grease the o-ring and install it on the outermost square groove. Purchase Contoured Buffer Tube

Standard/short tube: For the standard and short buffer tubes, the weights will be assembled and inserted into the tube with the threaded portion facing in. The Standard and short buffer tubes are threaded ¼-20 at the back. Do not install the o-ring until the desired weight has been achieved. Install the supplied short screw into the back of the outermost weight. You will use a wrench with this bolt to thread into the tube. Once desired weight has been achieved, lightly grease the o-ring and install it on the outermost square groove. Purchase Standard Buffer Tube

Tip! Once you have the desired weight, we recommend using a thread lock on the threaded portion of the weights to keep them from coming loose.

Adjusting the Balance Point on a Precision Rifle

The most common reason a shooter will want to balance their rifle in a specific location is for positional unsupported shooting. The most common discipline of this would be competitions under the Precision Rifle Series. There can be different methods and products to alter the balance point of a rifle, and the following information will go over the adjustable steel buffer tube weights designed specifically for the XLR Industries buttstocks that utilize XLR Buffer tubes. 

  • Disclaimer: The Steel Buffer Tube Weights are specific to XLR Buffer tubes which are propriatory to XLR buttstocks, including models; TR-2, AR TR-2, Tactical, Tactical Lite, Extreme, and Extreme BMG. These are NOT designed to be used on most AR-15-style rifles. These are not replacements for buffer systems. For any compatibility questions, please call us.

Rifle Weight, Balance and Its Importance

Weight on a rifle system can alter three things.

  1. The weight of the rifle can affect the recoil of the rifle. More weight will help mitigate the recoil. There is no exact formula to predict how much recoil it reduces, as it all depends on the cartridge the rifle is chambered in, the projectile it is shooting, and the starting weight. 
  2. The weight of the rifle will affect the recoil and how it is transferred through the rifle into the shooter. This means if the weight is properly distributed in certain areas of the rifle chassis system, it will help with a more straight-back recoil impulse into the shooter's shoulder. 
  3. The balance of the rifle is affected by weight and where it is located. If a rifle is not balanced in many positional shooting positions, the shooter will have to apply more influence to the rifle to stabilize it. This will always lead to what many call increasing your “wobble zone,” which is how much your reticle moves around your POA. 

Why Adjustable And Why Add Weight In The Rear Of The Rifle

Adding Weight to Rear of Rifle

The rear of the rifle is “usually” the first place needed to get the rifle to balance where most prefer. Where is this spot that the rifle should balance? Some of that can be specific to each shooter and what they are actually using the rifle for. But most prefer the balance point to be 4-5 inches of the magnet on the chassis or stock if it is for positional shooting. This will commonly be the center of the forward support bag on popular options like those from Armageddon Gear, Wiebad, and Cole-Tac. So to get to that point, the rifle's rear usually will need more weight because of the barrel. It is commonly one of the heaviest componets on the rifle, and the common lengths it is cut at heavily influence the pivot point on the rifle. So rear weight will help counter this. 

Benefit of Adjustable Weights

Adding or removing weights in the rear of the rifle allows the shooter to change how much influence that weight is, causing the balance point to change. It also allows the rifle to be updated later if needed. Many shooters getting into PRS matches start out on the lighter side, with smaller barrel contours, less kitted-out chassis or stocks etc. So as they update some of those other componets they can not alter the buffer tube weights to re-acquire that balance point. 

Get Your Buffer Tube Adjustable Steel Weight Kit at XLR.

Elevate your shooting experience with high-quality Buffer Tube Adjustable Steel Weights! Contact XLR Industries today, where our experts are ready to assist you in finding the perfect fit for your firearm needs.

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